Moon Landing Hoax [ Fox TV Documentary ]

AVI 320x240 English Documentary 45 Min 120 Mb RS Links

الفيلم الوثائقى الذى تم عرضه على قناة Fox TV وسبب ضجة كبيرة جدا.
الفيلم يقدم صور و دلائل على ان امريكا لم تذهب اصلا الى سطح القمر انما المشاهد المذاعة كانت عبارة عن مشاهد تم تصويرها مسبقا فى منطقة عسكرية مشددة الحراسة فى الصحراء الامريكية.

On February 15, 2001 the FOX television network aired a program titled Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land On The Moon? This program showed alleged evidence that NASA faked the moon landings.

This hoax theory has been around for several years, but this is the first time it has been presented to such a wide audience.
This TV program capitalizes on America's fixation with government conspiracies by sensationalizing the notion that NASA perpetrated a multi-billion dollar hoax on the world.
Some of the most prominent advocates of the hoax theory are Bill Kaysing, author of We Never Went To The Moon, Ralph Rene, author of NASA Mooned America, David Percy and Mary Bennett, co-authors of Dark Moon: Apollo and the Whistle Blowers and, more recently, Bart Sibrel, producer of A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon. These people, and other hoax advocates, usually point to alleged anomalies in the Apollo photo and video record as evidence of their claims.

Part 1
Part 2

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